New Social Media Trends in 2014

What will be the social media trends in 2014?

social media trendsSome people say that social media as a marketing tool is not anymore as effective as it was five years ago. I disagree on this. Social media is still as powerful as it can be five years ago. As it continues to improve its features, it becomes more influential nowadays. We witness the innovations these social media made in 2013 that were used by entrepreneurs to promote their brands and services. And the coming of the new year 2014, social media continues to flourish.

What do we expect from social media trends in 2014?

Video advertisements on Facebook

Although advertising through television still holds the leading marketing campaign, video is slowly increasing its popularity. Video also is giving a relevant effect on purchasing decisions of the consumers. Television advertising is still popular but video advertising is starting to be the most preferred marketing tool these days. YouTube is now loaded with video advertisements. Entrepreneurs are now shifting to Facebook and other social media forms. 

This video advertisement in Facebook is still on “test” phase, so you may not be able to notice it visibly – yet. The effect may not be as powerful as it is on YouTube, but given time, it will make noise. Can you imagine the “noise” video ads in Facebook can do in the industry? Can you consider this as new social media trends?

Twitter will be more aggressive on Advertisement

Twitter has a big leap in 2013, particular when it made a transformation in its interface on mobile gadgets and desktops. It has successfully launched its marketing interface last year. Since the launching of the IPO of Twitter last October 2013, it was fast in promoting accounts and became a “broad match” for target keywords.

Placing your ads on Google?

Google continues to lead as advertising tool. With the emergence of social media trends such as Facebook and Twitter, there are still hundreds of thousands who choose to place their ads on Google.  What’s in store for Google in 2014? Oh, I heard Google is launchings its +Post Ads where it permits business owners to advertise their brands by posting them across the Google Display Network. There are many speculations that say that there is a bigger marketing platform on Google. Let us wait and see.

Diversity Against Fragmentation

There are other social media trends that come every now and then. Some of died just before they were tried. Others are growing and its popularity is increasing. Instagram and Pinterest are two examples of new but gaining popularity. These two new social media trends are on its experimentation stage with unstable advertising frameworks. Tumblr, Reddit, and Foursquare are establishing their self-serve advertisement platforms. There may be more social media networks and advertising tools coming up in 2014. Advertisers will be challenged about the different advertising channels they will be offered. This diversity of options offers specific targets and demographics. But there are other social media that trends that will oblige you to manage different advertisement factors such as editorial regulations and sizes. Life as an advertisement will be more challenging!

Thin Line between Organic and Paid Content

The initial advertisement unit in Facebook was direct, conventional, and safe. But Twitter came and offers unlimited “tweets” where advertisements suit into the social realm experience if consumers. Twitter was successful in this endeavor. LinkedIn and Facebook follow suit. They also offer newsfeed for advertisements by “click” method until they created a very thin line of what is paid social context or organic. Google, Yahoo, and Bing conducted tests regarding the PPC advertisements making them appear like organic listing. The reason is simple: more readers click on them. Will these ad campaigns be the social media trends in 2014?

These advertisement trends will continue in 2014. Expect Pinterest and Instagram to offer more ad units that will blend into the viewers’ social feeds naturally. Facebook may continue to force its advertisers to promote their brands by regulating their ads.

At the end of the year 2014, let us find out who stands the best.

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